Participate in our study about Food perception and evaluation in multisensory eating environments


Come and participate in our interesting study in October or November! The aim is to investigate food perception and eating experiences in different multisensory environments. As a participant, you will consume a meal inside the Aistikattila research space. During the session, you will evaluate key factors of your experience, including your taste and enjoyment of the food, your appetite and satiation, and answer various questions on your mood and other affective factors. You receive one free lunch meal, including water. At the end of the experiment, you receive an additional snack and coffee or tea.

Course of the study and eligibility requirements

Upon arriving at the Aistikattila, you will receive a lunch meal consisting of a chicken salad bowl and water. You will be seated by yourself at a table inside the Aistikattila space while eating your meal. Upon seated, you will receive instructions on how to perform the experiment from the iPad located at the seat. During the experiment, you should only communicate with the researcher. Please do not use your personal smartphone or other device while inside the Aistikattila.

You are expected to not consume any food 2 hours before starting the experiment. Drinking water is allowed. Note that the meal will contain dairy, gluten, and meat and is thus not suited for vegetarians, vegans, or if you are sensitive to these foods.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Age 18-65 years
  • Normal senses of vision, hearing, smell, and taste
  • No food allergies

Time and place

The study involves one session, taking place at the Aistikattila during normal lunch hours (10:30-13:30). There are three available time slots within which to complete the experiment: 10:30-12:00, 12:00-13:30, and 15:00-16:30 depending on when is most suitable for you. For the first time slot, please arrive between 10:30 and 11:00, for the second, between 12:00 and 12:30, and for the third, between 15:00 and 15:30. The session is expected to take no more than 30 minutes and can be completed within the given time slots. The actual duration of the experiment will depend on how much or little time you need to finish your lunch.

Available dates:

October 6-7
October 11-15
October 18-22
October 25-28
November 1-3

Read the privacy notice of the study here

The study is conducted in collaboration with the Aarhus University and the Functional Foods Forum of the University of Turku. If you have any questions, please contact the principal investigator Signe Lund Mathiesen:
+45 2577 2779